Our Delivery Partners

To enable us to deliver our service we work closely with:

Local Authority Grants Officers

In each area who check and approve mandatory and discretionary grants for qualifying people.

Cambridge City

Jo Wilson: 01233 713071 or jo.wilson@cambshia.org



Keith Tayler (Private Sector Housing team): 01480 388237 or keith.tayler@huntingdonshire.gov.uk


South Cambridgeshire

Alasdair Gladman: 01954 713357 oralasdair.gladman@scambs.gov.uk


Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists assess people’s need for adaptations and what will address those needs within the relevant legislation.

To ask for an assessment contact Cambridgeshire Direct on 0345 045 5202


For OTs dealing with adults: 0345 045 5202

Approved Contractors

Who are trusted and experienced in this field complete building works.

We vet, oversee and monitor the performance of contractors working with us. Our clients (or their representatives) are involved in selecting the contractors considered for their project.